Friday, October 30, 2009

It's Not You, It's Me...

So it's Friday, which means it's time to cut 2 teams. You'll notice that in the standings every team has a score for "Location" but not every write-up has been posted. Those write-ups will be up over the next few days, but I wanted to go ahead and factor the scores in so that each team is in an even playing field for this elimination. So with that said, we've had some shakeups in the standings and a new Bottom 10 with some familiar faces and some new ones:

Here is this week's Bottom 10:

Oakland Raiders (16)
Jacksonville Jaguars (15)
Cincinnati Bengals (15)
New Orleans Saints (14)
Tampa Bay Buccaneers (13)
Arizona Cardinals (13)
Kansas City Chiefs (12)
Detroit Lions (11)
Houston Texans (10)
Seattle Seahawks (7)

And now for the cuts...

Detroit Lions - As I discussed with Cleveland last week, when a fan-base overwhelmingly says "Do yourself a favor and don't pick this team", that's never a good sign. As with Cleveland, that's been the cry from the Lion "faithful".  Granted, a lot of non-fans have challenged me with "If you want to prove you're not a bandwagon fan, then pick the Lions".  While this would definitely show I'm not looking for the easy way out, I feel that there is a happy medium somewhere between picking a bandwagon team and signing up for what is likely to be 50 years of misery.  I do feel somewhat bad about this decision, as the Lions were one of the earlier teams to respond to my letter, but I can't honestly say that a pencil, a key-chain, and a few stickers are enough to convince me to pledge my allegiance to a team coming off a stellar 0-16 season.   I just can't do it to myself...Sorry Motown.

And the 2nd team cut..

Seattle Seahawks - Look, the bottom line is that if I'm going to cheer for a team located 2,600 miles away, there needs to be something to reel me in.  With the Seahawks, I couldn't be any less emotionally moved. Their history isn't great, the current team is average, and while I'm sure it's a great city, I've never thought to myself  "I have GOT to see Seattle".  Granted, they've got a great fan-base with the "12th Man", but thinking about the team couldn't stir up any less of an emotional response in me (except for those awful neon green jerseys they wore earlier in the year. Those definitely stirred my innards.).  I don't really like them, I don't really hate them.  They're kind of like Cheerios...and I'm not traveling 2,600 miles for Cheerios.

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