NFC East
Dallas Cowboys - ELIMINATED -We get it, they're America's team, so naturally their fanbase is scattered from coast to coast in almost every city. While the term "bandwagon" gets thrown at them from time
to time, I think they're mostly safe from this label after the team's lack of success since the 90's. Still, while they compare favorably in size to any others, their fans just don't seem to register quite the level of passion of the Steelers, Packers, or some of their division mates.
New York Giants - ELIMINATED - They don't have the catchy cheers of their stadium-mates and lack a little of the Jets fans' fire, but they're a solid consistent fanbase who show up no matter what. I'd just like to see a little more fire in their belly.
Philadelphia Eagles - ELIMINATED - Eagles fans are nothing if not
passionate. They're also a loyal bunch, but that doesn't mean they're easy on their own. No other fanbase is quite as vocal when things don't go their way, but at least they don't disappear. If you can handle the random brawls, flying snowballs, and a little verbal abuse, it's definitely your kind of crowd. But, as I've said, they're a little violent for my undersized taste. Since this is about how I fit in, I've got to ding them a little...
Washington Redskins - in a division full of legendary fanbases, the Skins fans sometimes get overlooked. No they're not as rowdy as the Eagles fans and maybe their fanbase isn't the size of the Cowboys',
but in terms of loyalty, team pride, and support, they're top-notch. Despite being a disaster as a franchise in recent years, the season ticket waiting list has remained incredibly long. The fans also pack up and travel as well as just about anyone. This is a fanbase that doesn't get the recognition it deserves nationally.
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