AFC East
Buffalo Bills - The colors are fine, but that uniform has a lot going on. Between the blue and white stripes down the helmet, the random assortment of blue and red designs on the road uniform, and the all-blue home unis, I just can't get on board here. I just can't picture Thurman Thomas and Jim Kelly wearing the current duds.
Miami Dolphins - You want variety? How about aqua and coral?!? Quite possible the least intimidating uniforms in the league. Then there's the fact that your logo is a dolphin wearing a football helmet with no face-mask and it doesn't even have your own logo on it. Granted, the all white uniforms actually look pretty nice, but when you start adding in the aqua jerseys or pants, it's just a little much. Tell me anywhere besides South Beach where it's ok for grown men to wear aqua and coral?
New England Patriots - Bring back Pat the Patriot!!! I hate to keep beating a dead horse, but the modernization of the uniforms (a.k.a. darkening the colors) strikes again. It's not Pat the Patriot and the red jerseys, but the current Patriots uniforms do have a touch of class, though it makes zero sense why a team called the Patriots opts for silver over Red, White, and Blue.

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