Friday, November 20, 2009

20 Is Plenty...

So everyone has been scored on equal footing at this point, so the current Bottom 10 is a fair reflection of how things stack up.  As more teams are eliminated, more surprising names start to fall into the purgatory that is the Bottom 10, making for some interesting Elimination Days from here on out.  I feel like at this point, most of the obvious choices have been sent home and we're starting to get to the real meat of this search.  So without further ado, this week's Bottom 10:

Dallas Cowboys (33)
Chicago Bears (32)
San Diego Chargers (32)
Buffalo Bills (32)
Baltimore Ravens (31)
Jacksonville Jaguars (30)
New England Patriots (28)
Houston Texans (28)
Minnesota Vikings (28)
Kansas City Chiefs (28)

And now, onto the cuts.

New England Patriots - First off, I was a little surprised to see them this low at this point in the scoring, but I can't say I'm too terribly disappointed. So why would I want to eliminate arguably the best team of the last decade? I've got my reasons. Number 1, this might be the worst possible time to pick the Patriots. I'd be coming in towards the end of what has been their best run in franchise history, yet they're still good enough to make the selection a little too bandwagonish. Number 2, does anyone want to willingly make themselves a "Boston" fan right now? Granted, the Pats are in Foxboro, but their fan-base is largely comprised of the same folks who call themselves Celtics and Red Sox fans. They're a brash, polarizing bunch and with all due respect, I don't think that's who I'd like to align with at this stage of my life. Boston is just a little too easy to hate right now (and don't act like you don't enjoy it Bostonians).

Jacksonville Jaguars - I struggled with this one.  I truly did.  In the end, there are just too many questions to commit right now.  Where will this team be next year?  Will they even be the Jaguars?  Will they ever not have a home game blacked out for TV?  I realize they could be a high risk/high reward pick if they end up in L.A. or some other great city and turn things around, but it's just too uncertain to commit my next 60 years to.  I have to judge the team on who they are now, and that's a team with terrible colors with no real fanbase to speak of and are rumored to be considering drafting Tim Tebow.  That's a little too much for me to swallow right now.  To be fair, the main thing keeping them in this was the calendar, and that's an awfully shallow thing to build a relationship on...

1 comment:

  1. Good decision to dump the Pats, and I realize you need to be nice here, so allow me to say what you chose not to. Boston fans are mean, ugly fans and nobody wants to align themselves with them. The Patriots are an evil empire, as are the Red Sox. And I'm not even quite sure the world hates them.


Let me hear your thoughts on who is the right (or wrong) team for me. In order to keep SWF family friendly, please avoid the use of profanity.