Thursday, October 15, 2009

Trimming the Fat...

So when you're trying to pick between 32 teams, it's almost overwhelming. It makes it kind of difficult to really learn about or get a better feel for any one team because there are so many out there. So with that said, I think it's time to start shortening the list and narrowing the focus to a smaller number of teams. So slight change in plans - I'm still going to get down to a playoff style format at the end of the year, but I'm going to get there by eliminating some teams along the way, basically 2 a week. So what if I eliminate a team and then a few weeks from now I realize I was dead wrong? Well, playoffs do have Wild Cards, right? That fan vote might be that team's best friend.

So here's how we're cutting - if you look at the standings (on the link on the top-left of the page), I'm taking the bottom 10 teams from the overall standings and cutting 2. Not necessarily the 2 with the lowest score, but just the 2 teams from the Bottom 10 that I see as the least likely to be my future team.

So here are this week's Bottom 10 (with their current scores). Check back on Friday and see which 2 aren't making the cut:

Philadelphia Eagles - 7
Cincinatti Bengals - 6
St. Louis Rams - 6
New Orleans Saints - 5
Tampa Bay Buccaneers - 5
Seattle Seahawks - 5
Atlanta Falcons - 4
Jacksonville Jaguars - 3
Arizona Cardinals - 3
Houston Texans - 2


  1. I'm not sure how I like this, but I guess it will be your team, so it's your rules.

  2. Off this list, I think the Buccaneers and the Jaguars should be the first to go. Nothing against Florida. I actually grew up in Florida (not a Dolphins fan either). They just have no history and their only fans are bandwagon fans. Philly and Seattle at least have great fan bases. I actually started following the Bengals as my AFC team because of the Palmer/Ochocinco excitement from a couple years back. That team is still young and talented. The Rams probably won't win your heart because of their move, but they're better than TB and Jax. The Saints... Katrina... and they're exciting to watch... and having excuses to go to New Orleans is never a bad thing. Atlanta has a young QB and that's not something to shake a stick at. The Texans have a rabid fan base for as young as they are, because of all the old Dallas Texan blood. Arizona? They were just in the Super Bowl and have Fitzgerald, enough said.

  3. Let's be honest....Seattle is just too far away, and what does the city have to offer except for rain, coffee, and Nirvana....all of which suck

  4. Systemoad80 - I went back and forth on it. I don't think it's going to do anything to change the final outcome since I'm not basing it strictly off points right now. I just think it's time to start narrowing the list some.

  5. Yea I guess this does make sense, the more I think about it. It gives it more of a playoff and competition feel, which is what the NFL is all about. And good move, you don't want to be a Philly fan.


Let me hear your thoughts on who is the right (or wrong) team for me. In order to keep SWF family friendly, please avoid the use of profanity.